Download and Install Zotero and Zotero Connector:
Downloading Zotero:
1. Zotero recommends using the Google Chrome or Firefox Browser.
2. The Zotero download page will detect your operating system and default browser.
3. Download both Zotero 6 (standalone application) and Zotero Connector (browser extension)
Installing Zotero:
1. Close any open Microsoft Programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Zotero will automatically add a MS Word extension
2. Open Zotero download file (*.exe or *.dmg)
3. Follow installation prompts
Installing Browser Connector:
1. Click on "Install Chrome Connector" (or Firefox or Safari Connector) and follow prompts
2. Zotero is now added to your default browser as an extension (a small Z or rectangle in the upper right of your browser toolbar)
Adding Citations/References into your Zotero Library
There are three basic ways to add references to your Zotero library:
Adding References Using Zotero Connector
If you have Zotero Connector properly installed in your browser you will be able to easily save what you are looking at in your browser into your Zotero Library in Zotero 6. Zotero Connector will sync directly with Zotero 6.
Adding References Using Standard Numbers
If you have standard numbers for the records you wish to add, you may add them to your Zotero library by entering them manually into Zotero 6. Examples of standard numbers:
Manually Adding References
If you do not have an ISBN or DOI for an item you wish to add, but you have other bibliographic information that Zotero can use to track down the correct citation (e.g. author, title, journal title, etc.), you may add that reference manually:
Attaching PDFs to References
If you have the PDF of an item you already have in your Zotero library, follow these steps to attach the PDF to the corresponding reference:
If you do not have the PDF of an item, but would like to know if Zotero can find it in our Library system, follow these steps:
Managing Your Zotero Library
All new references are stored by default into "My Library". You can create folders (called "collections in Zotero) to organize items in the default library.
Removing and Deleting References from My Library
To remove a reference from a collection or subcollection:
To delete a reference from a collection or My Library
For in-depth help, use Zotero's Support pages
For in person help, make an appointment with a Research Librarian. We'll be happy to try and help you however we can.
Importing your EndNote Library into Zotero