Management collections support the two areas of focus within the Babson curriculum: organizational behavior and strategy and design. The content focus is on materials to support undergraduate and MBA research in organizational behavior, labor and corporate relations, strategic design.
Particular themes collected in greater depth are:
The collections overlap somewhat with entrepreneurship and technology management. The courses below are supported at a basic level.
Languages: Materials should be in English; however foreign language materials at a basic level may be added but are not actively sought.
Geographical guidelines: Primary emphasis is in on United States perspective, with a secondary emphasis on global business practices. Some materials are collected on general working and management culture and conditions in European, South American, and Asian countries and supplemented with multidisciplinary country studies.
Chronological: Emphasis in on current conditions with some basic historical perspectives. Older market data and late 20th century company histories are needed for certain case studies.
Treatment: Monographs are both printed and electronic, with select subject encyclopedias and handbooks available through the Virtual Reference Library. Reports and country analysis for course assignments are available through various services like the EIU Reports, ISI Emerging Markets, Euromonitor GMID, and Business Monitor International. Topics of individual monographs focus on narrowly defined topics (ie. leadership, group communications, or strategic management), comparative cross-cultural studies, individual and collective biographies of major leaders of all types and histories of companies in emphasized industries. General histories of management theory are also needed. Selective popular treatments are collected to represent current trends or fads, especially as they influence business development.
Cases: Horn Library does not provide cases, but provides information and links to sites where cases may be purchased (HBS, ECCH, Darden, etc.)
Journals: Content providers include EBSCOhost's Business Source Premier, ProQuest's ABIInform, JSTOR, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Emerald.
Books: Printed books and e-book collections such as Ebook Central, Business Expert Press, Gale Ebooks
Reports: Conference Board
Industry resources: IBISWorld, Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage, Gale Business Insights, Plunkett
Country resources: Business Monitor International/Fitch Connect, EIU Viewpoint, Euromonitor Passport, Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS)
Chris Argyris, Warren Bennis, Ram Charan, Jim Collins, Clay Christensen, Peter Drucker, Sumantra Ghoshal, Marshall Goldsmith, Gary Hamel, Sally Helgesen, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Robert Kaplan, Philip Kotler, John P. Kotter, Henry Mintzberg, David Norton, Tom Peters, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Michael Porter, C. K. Prahalad, Peter Senge, Don Tapscott.
A helpful resource for identifying key past and current management thinkers is the organization Thinkers50.
Allan R. Cohen, Anne Donnellon, Mary Gentile, Danna Greenberg, Nan S. Langowitz, Joseph R. Weintraub
Dates of Publications: Emphasis is on current materials not more than three years old. Historical materials on the development of the industry and their effects on business and society are useful. Materials more than 5 years old will be retained only if they meet at least one of the following criteria:
HD 28-59 | Industrial Management |
HF 5500-5549 | Personnel Management |
HF 5717-5780 | Business Communication & Shipping |
COM7500 Business and Technical Presentations
ENG7500 Business Writing for Managers