Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List
Chartered Association of Business Schools Academic Journal Guide: You must register with CABS to view the current Academic Journal Guide.
SCImago Journal & Country Rank: The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.). These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains.
The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) maintains a list of reputable scholarly journals whose focus is on teaching and learning. The basic criteria for inclusion on the list are that the journal must be English language; peer-reviewed; focused on higher-education; and focused on teaching and learning. Of particular interest to Babson faculty will be the Social Science journals listed under Accounting, Business, and Economics. This list is updated every few years.
Association of College and Research Libraries Selected List of Journals on Teaching and Learning
Many faculty members across the globe choose to publish in open access journals. Some choose, for philosophical reasons, to publish only in open access journals. Most databases which index journal content will indicate which journals are open access and which are not, but here are two resources that list all of the known and available open access journals. Each makes an attempt to reduce or eliminate the listing of predatory or questionable journals, but there is always the risk of finding some that you or your colleagues may consider problematic.
Predatory Publishers: Red Flags
Beall's List -- no longer active
Jeffrey Beall (librarian and associate professor, UC-Denver) is known for his criticism of what he finds is an alarming trend of predatory practices in the Open Access publishing movement. He had maintained a list of open access journals which he determined to be predatory in nature, but his list of predatory publishers has since been deactivated since January 2017. His work is continued by Cabell's Scholarly Analytics.
Inside Higher Ed highlights the story.
Evaluating Scholarly Journals
If you are in any doubt about the credibility of a journal, here are some suggested steps for evaluating a scholarly journal before making a submission: