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Disruptor tracks emerging tech-enabled opportunities across all industries by providing information on start-ups, tech-led innovations, latest technology trends, influencers, consumer insights, and venture capital portfolio investments.
Find company financials, competitor, customer, and supplier information, recent analyst reports, and more on US and global companies. Also includes industry reports and country snapshots.
Financial and operating data on global public and private companies plus S&P Industry Surveys, Stock Reports (S&P Equity Research), Use this as a compact version of CapitalIQ.
Statistical data on over 600 international industries, sources include market researchers, trade organizations, scientific journals, and government databases.
Scholarly business journals in all business disciplines; plus company, industry, market research, and country reports and analyses. Includes Harvard Business Review.
Find company financials, competitor, customer, and supplier information, recent analyst reports, and more on US and global companies. Also includes industry reports and country snapshots.
Mintel does not permit the use or uploading of Mintel content or data into external applications, software or websites that use AI technology.Find full market research reports focusing on consumer products, lifestyles, retailing and international travel.
Directory of manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. Search by industry, company name, brand, CAD drawings, and more. Includes links to web sites and company catalogs.
Free, comprehensive listing of manufacturers and suppliers serving major segments of the OEM industrial manufacturing marketplace across the United States and Canada.
The World Industrial Reporter Website brings you the latest in industrial innovation, additive manufacturing, and logistics. Includes white papers, market trend reports, and more.