General concept searching
- Bitcoin
- Venezuela debt crisis
- Sovereign wealth funds
Specific phrase or name (words have to stay together in this order)
- "Federal Reserve"
- "capital markets"
- "interest rates"
Searching for more than one concept (note capitalization of connectors)
- Eurozone crisis AND "European Central Bank" AND reform
Searching using alternate keywords, i.e.synonyms (note capitalization of connectors)
- FDI OR foreign direct investment
- Bitcoin OR cryptocurrency
- Labor unions OR unionization OR collective bargaining OR organized labor
Searching for all variations of a word
- outsourc* will pick up outsourced, outsourcing, outsources
Searching with words with varied spelling
- Privati?ation searches for both privatization as well as privatisation
Combining all these features
- Transition economies AND (EU OR "European Union") AND (privati?ation OR capitalism OR free market)