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Provides coverage of world politics, business and finance, economics, science and technology, and more.
Find global country political, economic, and operational risk assessments, reports on major industry sectors, company news, and key economic statistical data.
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Covering 203 countries, EIU Viewpoint provides analyses of economic conditions, the business environment, key industry sectors, supply and demand for major commodities, and coverage of global macroeconomic trends.
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary provides reports, articles, and data about macroeconomics, globalization, development, aid, trade, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction, and more.
Detailed commodity trade statistics from 1962 onward for most countries of the world. Best data source for analyses of commodity trade trends between countries or regions.
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Economics Experts
Content Mgt. & Research Librarian, Economics & Finance Liaison