Provides access to information on the healthcare industry (local, national, international) - as well as related technology (medical devices/instruments). Includes resources with a focus on health and medicine.
Searching for Articles in Health & Medical Databases by Audience
To access the Health & Medical Collection, click on "Change databases", then "View by subject". You will then be able to select all of the health and medical databases indexed by ProQuest.
39 regional business journals are available for 23 states. Each business journal has a separate Book of Lists, which is a ranking of the largest businesses with comparative data. Health content varies by geographic location, reflecting the business climate. Example: The BBJ Book of Lists covers health plan providers, hospitals, life science companies and medical device companies.
For authoritative medical information using MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) to search 5,600+ biomedical journals. Covers medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences and more. Created by the National Library of Medicine.
The Health Sciences section provides the following coverage: medicine & dentistry; nursing & allied health professions; pharmacology, toxicology & pharmaceutical science; veterinary science & medicine.