GVRL is an online collection of over 50 unique titles in the following subject areas:
Art, Biography, Business, Environment, General Reference, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Religion, Science, Social Science
Some of the more popular titles include:
- Business Plans Handbook , Vol. 13, 2011 plus archives
- Encyclopedia of American Industries , 2011, 2008
- Encyclopedia of Business and Finance , 2nd ed., 2v, 2006
- Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries , 2011, 2007
- Encyclopedia of Global Industries , 2011, 2007, 2006
- Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change , 3v, 2008
- Encyclopedia of Major Marketing Campaigns , 2007
- Encyclopedia of Small Business , 2nd ed., 2v, 2002
- Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America , 2nd ed., 3v, 2000
- International Directory of Company Histories , 1988-2012
- St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture , 5v, 2000