Provides access to PRIMARY (federal/state cases, statutes, regulations, administrative decisions, legislation) and SECONDARY publications (state analytical content, encyclopedia, dictionary, legal commentary, 900+ journals, news) in law.
Access Restrictions:
Access granted to current faculty, students, and staff.
Walk-in visitors to Horn Library may use while on site.
Horn Library E-Resources are to be used for educational purposes only. Commercial use is not permitted. Any use of library databases on an internship or job is not allowed.
WestlawNext Content
Titles of specific publications at the federal level include:
United States Code Annotated (USCA)
Code of Federal Regulations
Federal Register (1981-present)
American Jurisprudence 2d (encyclopedia)
American Law Reports (ALR) (legal commentary)
State analytical content includes:
Practice series
Jurisprudence titles
Legal and business forms
Legal News
Afer selecting NEWS, there are several options:
For business law news: REUTERS LEGAL (under Reuters). Add a search to the top box if you want more than a sampling of articles.
For broader coverage: NEWS BY TOPIC (bottom of screen) - Legal & Justice. Add a search to the top box for additional articles.