Canvas Help

Canvas Link Generator

Creating Links for Canvas

Posting Articles to Canvas

Finding the article

  1. Go to Babson Library website
  2. Click on "eJOURNAL FINDER" below the main search box.
  3. Type journal name into the search box and click "Search".
  4. Choose your journal from the list (make sure that the date range available matches the desired article's date).
  5. Log in with your Babson username and password.
  6. Search for your article using the date range and issue. If you click on a specific issue, all articles from that issue will be displayed.

Creating a Canvas link

  1. Once you found the article, look for the persistent URL. These may be found in the article's record as follows:
    1. EBSCOhost: Permalink in the list to the right of the abstract will display URL at the top of the page
    2. ProQuest: Click on "All Options" above the article on the right, then copy the link at the top of the displayed menu
    3. Gale: DOI link above the article on the right
    4. JSTOR: DOI link to the left of the article
    5. Harvard Publishing: may not be linked. See instructions on the Faculty Hub for how to include these in Canvas.
  2. Copy this link
  3. Open the Link Generator
  4. Paste the link you copied in to the box and click "Create Link"
  5. Copy the generated link

Adding the article to Canvas

  1. Open Canvas and navigate to the appropriate course and module within it
  2. Click on the plus sign and add "External Link"
  3. Paste the generated link and give the article link a name
  4.  Click "Add Item" and your link should be added
  5. Always check your work by clicking on the link you've made; may have to log in the first time.

Posting Harvard Publishing documents on Canvas


All Harvard Business Publishing content can be added directly from Canvas. For instructions, go to the Faculty Portal.

What Not to Post

Do not post PDF files of articles from websites and/or library databases onto your Canvas site.
Downloading PDFs from databases and posting them onto Canvas is a form of copyright and contract violation. You may, however, post direct links to PDFs on websites. Database providers pay royalties to publishers according to the number of times an article is viewed. Use of documents uploaded to Canvas cannot be counted.

Do not post cases on Canvas.
Since copyright permissions need to be purchased for each individual who will be using the case, the library does not own any nor can we post them on Canvas. Harvard Business School Cases can be added to Canvas through Harvard Business Publishing. For more information, consult the Faculty Hub. Cases from other sources can be purchased through the campus bookstore as part of your coursepack. The only exception is that Babson authors can use their own cases.