Gale Ebooks

Basic Search Tips

You may easily search the Table of Contents or the Index of each resource by clicking on the desired Subject Section and then the name of the reference book.

In addition, you may search one or more reference sources by going to Advanced Search and typing in one or more keywords in the search boxes.

From the top menu bar you may choose to print, download or email the section you are viewing.

Advanced Search Tips

Use Boolean searching, truncation, wildcards, and proximity limiters to enhance your search.

AND entrepreneur and team Returns articles that contain BOTH words.
OR entrepreneur or intrapreneur Returns articles that contain EITHER word.
* entrepreneur* Returns articles that contain the root "entrepreneur" on its own and any variations: entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, etc.
? wom?n Variants of the one letter versus an entire ending as with the asterisk. Wom?n would return articles with "women" or "woman" or "womyn".
Proximity - Words in same order
wX market w2 share Returns articles where the words market and share are no more than 2 words apart and in that order.
Proximity - Words in any order
nX market n2 share Returns articles where the words market and share are no more than 2 words apart in any order. (market share or share of the market)