
Basic Search Tips

Search by company name or company stock symbol in the default search window for fastest results. Ticker is best choice.

Check the Coverage Initiation box to quickly find longer, more useful company reports that help you understand company strategy and valuation. Expand your Date Search if you are not finding anything.

NOTE: If you are having trouble quickly finding useful reports on your firm, choose REPORT STYLE from criteria and select COMPANY EQUITY REPORTS to narrow the results.

Advanced Search Tips

Searching by ticker or company name alone can result in too many reports where the desired company is barely mentioned.

To fix that, choose search criteria such as  REPORT STYLE/COMPANY EQUITY REPORTS in addition to the name.  You should see fewer and more relevant hits.  

Too many reports?  Make sure to use the authored research reports from named analysts and not the "robo research" that has no named and credited author.  Find them in the Author column display.