Gale Databases

Search Tips

There are several ways to search InfoTrac depending on which database you choose:


  • Subject Guide - searches for terms in the listing of subject headings and allows narrowing by subtopics
  • Relevance Search - searches the entire contents and displays results ordered by the number of times keyword(s) appear in the article
  • Keyword Search - defaults to searching keywords in title, citation and abstract 
  • Advanced Search - allows searching by keywords in specific fields, limiting by various criteria and the use of ANDOR and NOT operators
  • Entire Document - searches every word in the full text of the document
  • Browse publication/journal titles


 Subject Search:

    1. Enter a word or a phrase to begin your search.
    2. Choose a relevant entry from the list of Subject Headings and then choose Related Subjects or Subdivisions.
    3. The numbers adjacent to the subject terms refer to the number of articles available.
    4. Click Browse to begin a new search.

Print, email or download results. 

Use Boolean searching, truncation, wildcards, and proximity limiters to enhance searches.

AND entrepreneur and team Returns articles that contain BOTH words.
OR entrepreneur or intrapreneur Returns articles that contain EITHER word.
( ) (entrepreneur or intrapreneur) and interviews Grouped searching. Returns articles that contain EITHER word in parenthesis AND the word interviews.
* entrepreneur* Returns articles that contain the root "entrepreneur" on its own and any variations: entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, etc.
? wom?n Variants of the one letter versus an entire ending as with the asterisk. Wom?n would return articles with "women" or "woman" or "womyn".
Proximity - Words in same order
wX market x2 share Returns articles where the words market and share are no more than 2 words apart and in that order.
Proximity - Words in any order
nX market n2 share Returns articles where the words market and share are no more than 2 words apart in any order. (market share or share of the market)