Interlibrary Loan

Learn how to request items from other libraries as well as how to pick up articles you've requested and tracking your requests.

How Do I Renew My Items?

Renewing your items is easy!

  • Log in to ILL
  • Click Renew Your Items
  • Click the Transaction Number for the item you want to renew
  • Click Renew above the table
  • Note the new due date.

Can I Renew My Items?

More often than not, other libraries allow 1 renewal of the items they lend.

If you still need it you may submit another renewal request, but it may not be approved by the lending library. If that happens, you can submit a new request for the item, but you will need to return the copy you have.

Remember, you do not need to renew articles. They are available in the system for 30 days. If you need the article again after that time, you'll need to submit another request for it.